All About Meta Descriptions

What are meta tags and why should I care when it comes to by website?

Did you also know that search engines display your site’s title tags and meta-descriptions first when people look at it in the results? Titles and descriptions are key factors in how search engines rank your site. 

It’s essential these tags and descriptions have relevant keywords and match the content of your site. Search engines will not only read the titles and descriptions, but keywords can also help your site to show up in related searches. This keyword is only for people interested in finding out more about the topics, products or services that your website offers.

Think about it. You search for something, there is a list of answers to your question. However, one jumps out as it has a description that more suits your needs. This increases your chances of clicking on that website dramatically.

Make sure you are adding meta descriptions to your website, and make sure they count in the eyes of the internet user.


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