Hello, thank you for downloading this item! My goal is always to help anyone I can so if you have any problems or questions, please contact me. Below are the links to download your files, enjoy! COPY THIS LINK TO RECEIVE YOUR PURCHASE! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gHvAIczrO5ULDs8Yq5VvefFvouXmhKDD?usp=share_link Note to you: To download multiple folders in bulk, the first option would be to highlight all of the zip folders, right-click, then select download. Google Drive will zip them up into a single folder before initiating the download. For this option to work, the Zip Extractor extension is needed, you can get that here: zipextractor.app/ Another method is to highlight all the folders you want, right click, then select 'make a copy'. Google Drive will then copy the selected files/folders directly into your own Google Drive account (make sure you're already logged in). Also make sure you are logged in to your Google account and have 3rd party cookies enabled, Google requires this to download files from Drive. Enjoy, and thanks again!!