Blog Topic Ideas For Your Posts

You are logged into your blog, your heart is fully committed to creating an amazing blog post – but there is an overwhelming feeling of ‘blogger’s block’, for want of better words 🙂

Well, allow me to take some of the pressure from around your head with some ideas for blog topics. Take a read through the list, get inspired and get back to creating that awesome blog!

Make a list of interesting facts and figures about your niche industry
You know that your readers are interested in what you have to say about your niche, or they wouldn’t be subscribed in the first place. Blow their socks off with the industries most striking facts

Create a ‘how to’ guide.

People now trawl the internet in guidance of many skills, gardening, learning a musical instrument, learning a language – the list really is endless. Maybe you are an expert in something that someone somewhere is seeking your expert opinion. Get blogging about your knowledge and share with the world 🙂

Product Review

Product reviews are a great way to get users to your blog. Do your SEO right and you could find yourself ranking for some really busy search terms, and with that is the opportunity to make money (take a look at Ryan’s story for inspiration) Complete a thorough review of whatever it is that you are reviewing and you will keep the visitors happy.

Seasonal Blogs

Christmas, Easter, Halloween – these alone have massive potential to become great blogs. Fun and popular topics that would be enjoyable to create and talk about!



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