Cool Blogging Tools That I Use (that you might not)

The internet is awash with great tools, quick problem solvers, our go-to tools. But these tools might never or may never pop up on everyone’s radar.

So I thought I would list some of the tools that I never leave home without


I use tinypng with every image that I use. Once I have chosen an image, got the correct size for my page then I drop it into tinypng and I usually see a decent enough percentage reduction – anything between 10%- 90% at times. Check it out and see if it can help you improve your page loadspeed.

This is a screenshot of tinypng’s interface…

..and this is a screenshot of how much optimisation was done when we dropped the above screenshot into it’s dashboard. 74%!!!

As I say, I always put images through Tinypng and I recommend that you do also 🙂


Convert Case

Ok, there are written and unwritten rules on how titles and general page content should be capitilised. I personally go with every word in the title, and follow more standard grammar from there with the rest of content. Why? I like the way it looks. I like the way it stands out. Some people really like it, some really do not.

Regardless, this is about cool blogging tools so that is why I added it here.

As you can see above, I have already entered a sentence and and hit ‘Capitilized Case’. There are lots of options and configurations to choose from around the dashboard. If this sounds like something that would be useful for you, take a look at ConvertCase.


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