I Want to write a blog!! - blog post

I want to write a blog.

So many friends have said this to me over the years.  Alan, I want to write a blog.  Then we talk a little further and often they are brimming with great ideas, and potentially even goldmines in their heads brains!

But where do I start to write my blog?

First and foremost, let’s think about your original point – ‘I want to write a blog’.  Ok, and Fantastic!  But…why do you want to start a blog?  Is it for a hobby? Maybe a local group? Are you adding a blog to your business?  This will give you an idea of a starting point

The next requirement is passion.  Passion comes through when you write about a subject, as does knowledge and experience.  Having an active interest in what you are blogging about shows your audience who you are and what you are about.

So, what should I write about?

Finding a niche area can be a stumbling block for many bloggers, so if you have your dream topic then remain focused and simply blog.  There are probably blogs on literally every topic known to man, so if you know your interest then go for it.


Finding Your Blogging Groove: What to Write About?

Hey fellow aspiring bloggers! So, you’re all set to dive into the blogging world, but the big question is, “What should I write about?” No worries, we’ve got your back. Let’s keep it chill and explore some cool ideas to get those creative juices flowing.

  1. Passion Power: Start by thinking about what really gets you excited. What are your hobbies or things you can talk about forever? Whether it’s the latest tech gadgets, exploring your city, or just your love for all things food, let that enthusiasm shine through. Your genuine excitement will hook your readers.

  2. Answering FAQs: Ever notice how people always come to you with questions? If they’re asking, there’s a good chance others are wondering too. Turn those common questions into blog posts. It’s like having a virtual chat with the world, and who doesn’t love a good chat?

  3. Tell Your Story: Time to spill some tea — your own tea, of course! Share your wins, fails, and everything in between. Your personal experiences, whether it’s a wild adventure or just a regular day turned interesting, can connect with readers on a personal level.

  4. Keep It Real with Trends: Stay in the loop with what’s happening. Whether it’s the latest trends, celebrity gossip, or the funniest memes, share your take on it. Your unique perspective makes you a trendsetter, and who wouldn’t want to follow a trendsetter?

  5. DIY Magic: Got some skills up your sleeve? Share the love! Create simple guides or tutorials about things you’re good at — whether it’s mastering a dance move, cooking up a storm on a budget, or life hacks that make things easier. Your wisdom might just save someone’s day.

  6. Share Your Favorites: Be the go-to friend for recommendations. What are you into right now? Books, shows, gadgets, or that cozy café you stumbled upon—spread the word! Your friends (aka readers) will appreciate your tips.

Your blog is your space to be yourself. Let your personality shine, and let the good vibes flow. There’s a whole community out there waiting to vibe with you, so grab that creative wand and let’s make some magic together.

How do I actually create a blog?

For this I recommend purchasing your own blog name and then getting some hosting, and using WordPress.  This is a free/open source software with a ridiculous amout of literature/guides around the internet to get you going. 

There are other options to create a blog, some free but with restrictions.  Do some google searches and you will see WHY you should go down the route of buying your own blog name (domain) and hosting – I am not going to flog a dead horse for reasons NOT to use the free options, but please do your own research on the topic.

Setting up a self-hosted blog – I also have a guide here that will talk you through the basics of setting your blog up so you can get up and running with what you want to do – write a blog!

Is it difficult to write a blog for someone none technical?

Absolutely not.  Of course, there is a learning curve and one that you need to climb in order to get your words out there.  But, once you have set up your blog, adding pages and content, images and videos and all the rest are simply a walk in the park.  It is a lot of fun to learn and even more fun when it all comes together 😊


  1. Tech Shmech: Let’s kick off with the fact that blogging isn’t some secret club for tech whizzes only. Nope, not at all! You don’t need to speak in binary code or have a degree in computer wizardry to write a killer blog. It’s more about what you have to say than your proficiency in tech lingo.

  2. Words > Widgets: Your blog is like a canvas, and your words are the paint. No need for complicated widgets or fancy doodads. Just bring your thoughts, experiences, and a dash of your unique personality to the table. Words are your superpower here.

  3. Simple Tools, Big Impact: Forget the idea that you need a Ph.D. in technology to navigate blogging platforms. Nowadays, user-friendly tools are your best buddies. They’re designed for folks who want to focus on writing without getting tangled up in a web of technical complexities.

  4. Express Yourself: Blogging is your space to shine. Whether you’re into poetry, storytelling, or sharing your thoughts on the latest Netflix binge, it’s about expressing yourself. You don’t need to code your feelings; just spill them onto the virtual paper.

  5. Learn as You Go: It’s totally cool not to have all the tech know-how upfront. The beauty of blogging is that you learn as you go. As you write more, you might pick up a few tech tidbits along the way, but it’s not a prerequisite for starting your blogging journey.

  6. Community Support: The blogging community is like a big, welcoming family. If you ever feel stuck on the tech side of things, there are countless friendly bloggers out there ready to lend a hand. Don’t hesitate to ask questions – everyone started somewhere.

So, is writing a blog for the non-tech-savvy a daunting task? Not at all! Grab your thoughts, your favorite snack, and let’s turn your ideas into blog magic. Blogging is about your voice, not your tech skills. Ready to rock that blogosphere? Let’s do this! 🚀✨


Blogging is a great, fun pastime and can also bring in some good income, depending on the goals of your blog.

Blogging can help you reach bigger audiences regardless of needs, hobbies or business. 

Oh and search engines love them.  Any more reasons?

‘I want to write a blog’………

You want to write a blog?  Really?

OK!  Well, roll up your sleeves, and let’s get typing!



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